Naag Kesar Root - Abhimantrit
Naag Kesar Root - Abhimantrit
Naag Kesar Root, also known as Nagkesar or Mesua Ferrea, is a revered herb in traditional medicine with powerful healing properties. Energized through Abhimantrit by expert pandits, it helps bring peace, balance, and vitality to the body and mind. Known for its ability to purify the environment and promote spiritual well-being, this root is often used in rituals and Ayurvedic treatments.
With its rich medicinal properties, Naag Kesar Root has been used for centuries to treat various health conditions, promote energy, and maintain balance in life. Its calming effect on the body and mind makes it a valuable addition to any spiritual or wellness practice.
1. Promotes Mental Peace: Helps calm the mind and reduce stress.
2. Purifies the Environment: Used in rituals to cleanse negative energy.
3. Boosts Immunity: Supports the body’s natural defense mechanisms.
4. Enhances Spiritual Practices: Supports meditation and spiritual growth.
5. Balances Energy: Helps restore balance and harmony in the body and surroundings.
Weight: 45-50g
Incorporate Naag Kesar Root into your daily routine to experience its powerful healing and spiritual benefits.